Content area

Slider Fullpage / Slider Halfpage

These elements are used to display several images one after the other, either on the full or half width of the display. These elements are used to display several images one after the other, either on the full or half width of the display. Below you see a slider fullpage


  • 1. Slider
  • 2. Slider
  • 3. Slider

Slider Fullpage / Slider Halfpage

1. Open the element "Slider Fullpage" or the element "Slider Halfpage"

  1. Insert a new column on the Website (Here you can see how. Chosse the settings zentriert mit fixer Breite (Container))
  2. Click on "Add Content"
  3. Add the element you want to display (Here shown with the element "Slider Fullpage")


2. The Elements

In the menu bar you will find all the functions

2.1 Picture

In the Image section, you can select the image that you want to reproduce as a parallax effect.
If you press the plus sign, the picture selection opens. You can select an existing image or upload a new one.

Same procedure as for the Media Picker.



2.2 Title, Description

If you wish, you can insert a title and a description.



3 Edit more sliders

Now you can add more sliders if you wish.

3.1 Click on the plus sign


3.2 Fill in infos of the new Slider:

Now you can proceed in exactly the same way as with the first slider.

Afther that you can press the plus sign again if you want to create more sliders.

When you have created all the sliders, you can click on the "Update" button and then save and publish the page. It should then appear on the website

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