Umbraco Basics

Access to and structure of Umbraco

In this guide, we explain how to access your Umbraco and show you the structure of your Umbraco.


Umbraco Basics

1. Access to Umbraco

1. URL for your Umbraco account

  1. To get access to your Umbraco, you can simply go to the URL of your career platform and add /umbraco, which will take you to the Umbraco of your career platform.
  2. Now you can log in with your user name and password.
Umbraco basics

2. Structure of Umraco

1. Most important areas of Umbraco

  1. On the left side you will find the bar with all areas before
  2. Directly next to it is the structure of your website
  3. And a search function
  4. On the right you will find the entire content area.


2. Content section(at the bar)

The two bar areas of interest to you are Content and Media. In the Content area you can manage all pages and sub-pages of your career platform.

Inhalt = Content


3. Media section (at the bar)

While in the Media section you can store images, videos, documents, etc. for use on the website.

For more instructions abaout the Media sections click here


4. Here you find more Informations


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Content area

Set up individualised page per app role

In this instruction we explain how you can set up individualised pages for different app roles and personalise them according to the needs of the stakeholders.

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Content area

Rich text editor

In this introduction, we will explain the function of and how to use the "Rich Text Editor" element. This is a very versatile tool with which you can add texts in various formats as well as images, videos or linked words and buttons.

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Content area

Content Repo (Example: Banner)

In this instruction we will explain the function of the "Page Content" area or also called Content Repo. In this area you can create certain content, which you can then insert into elements in the Content segment. This includes contact persons, key visuals, partners and banners.

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