
Copy an event

In this instruction we will show you how to duplicate an event. This function is extremely useful when several events with the same basic information are needed



1. Open Category "Events"

Click on the arrow to the right of iTalent and open the category "Events"


2. Chose event and go to RUN WORKFLOW



3. The window "Look Up Record" opens

Informations abaout the window "Look Up Records".

  1. Click on the highlighted area at "event - copy event" to select this workflow.
  2. Click "Add" to copy the event
  3. Confrim Applicatopm of Workflow with ok



4. Go to New Events: Check requiered

Informations abaout the window "Look Up Records".

  1. Open the Dropdown field
  2. Choose the section " New Events: Check requiered



4. Change informations of the event

The copied event appears. All information is copied. Except for the settings regarding to the app rolls.

1. You can find out how to add app rolls here

2. You can find out how to change informations here

3. You can find out how to change settings here


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