
Adjusting the information of an event

In this instruction we explain how to customise the information of an event.



1. Open Category "Events"

Click on the arrow to the right of iTalent and open the category "Events"


2. Chose event 

Now click on the desired event



3. scroll down to the "Form of Application" section.

Now you have the area "Information about the event" at the top, where you can make various adjustments:

  1. You can subordinate the event to another by searching for an event and subordinating it. You will find the subordinate event on the website with the parent event at the bottom. This can be useful for various reasons, e.g. if you are organising a CV Check and create a parent event "CV Check" to which you can then subordinate the individual events. 
  2. You can also change the Name
  3. and the status Reason of the event.
  4. It is also possible to specify an event leader
  5. and an event language. The latter is important especially if you have a multilingual career platform and want to clarify which language group should be addressed (e.g. only French-speaking students).
  6. Details such as the e-mail for notifications can also be changed.
  7. And the logo and background image can also be changed at any time. Simply insert a new https:// adress.



4. Adjust more settings

To learn how to adjust even more settings, click here or see the next instruction.



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