
Set up the waiting list

In this instruction we explain how set up the waiting list

1. You are a Administrator

Here you can see how to get to the area where you can create a new event as an admin.

1. Go to the "Events" section


2. Go to "Create a new event"


2.1 Here you learn how to Create a new event

2. You are a Company

Here you can see how to get to the area where you can create a new event as an company.

1. Go to "Create a new event"

3. set up te wating list

Here we show you how to set up the waiting list


1. Create the event

Fill in the desired information as described in the instructions for "creating a new event".


2. Waiting list

  1. Click on edit to insert the basic informations
  2. Click on the field "Registration via platform"
  3. Fill in a deadline for the application
  4. Enter how many participants can register
  5. Activate the field "Waiting list"
  6. Determine how many can register for the Waiting list





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In this instruction we explain how to set up a wating list

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