Content area

Set up individualised page per app role

In this instruction we explain how you can set up individualised pages for different app roles and personalise them according to the needs of the stakeholders.


Set up individualised page per app role

Different visibilities of the website per app role

1. Create a new web page under the desired area

Normally, the start page Area is already set up. In this example we add a new start page for a new app role (This works for all websites).

You can do this by clicking on the three dots with the left mouse button (as shown in the picture).


2.  Name and fill in content

Now you can name the new web page and insert the desired content.

Afterwards, do not forget to save and publish.


3. Release the page only for the respective role

3.1 You can do this by clicking on the three dots with the right mouse button (as shown in the picture).

Than you can click on "public access"


3.2 Click on role based protection

And than click on select



4. Chose the app role

Select the app role and click on the button that points to the right field.

Access can also be activated for more than one app roll.



5. Login Page

  1. Now the app role should be on the right side
  2. Click on + Choose under the Login Page (On the right-hand side appears the menubar).
  3. Then search for the authent area and click on login.


6. Error Page

  1. Click on + Choose under the error Page (On the right-hand side appears the menubar).
  2. Then search for the authent area and click on "No Access Rights").


7. Save

Now you can save the settings.

In this example, only the Community Admin now has access to this page.

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