Content area

Basics in the area of content

In this instruction we will explain the basics of the "Content" area in your Umbraco.


1. Basics in the area of content

1. Create a page

  1. First decide whether you want to create a page in German, French or English.
  2. To create a new German or English page, you can either right-click and select "Create" to create a new website by selecting the option "Inhalt (Content)" or you can click directly on the three small dots and then select the option "Inhalt (content)".



2.  Page

  1. Afterwards, the name field is the only mandatory field you have to fill in
  2. Then, at the bottom right, either click on "Save and publish" if you already want to display the page on your website.



3. Preview

After saving the page, the Button "Preview" is visible.  

  1. You can use the "Preview" button to view the provisional page.
  2. If you have clicked on the "Preview" button, a new window will open.
  3. It is important to know that you can change the view between different formats, so you can view the page in the format of a computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone and thus check whether your changes are compatible with the individual devices.
  4. Once you are satisfied, you can save and publish the page.



4 Content area

Now you have saved the page and can start adding and editing the content.

4.1 Add a row

First you must always select one of the predefined line layouts.

Choose according to how many columns you would like to have.


4.2 Add content or new row

1. Then you can add a new content by clicking on the field

2. And you can add a new column with the same or a different ratio by selecting the "Plus".

The creation of selected elements are explained in other instructions, which you find in the following instrcutions.




4.3 "settings" of the individual columns or elements

What is still important at this point is the function of the "Settings" of the individual columns or elements, which is located on the right above the column or element. 


4.4 Edit columns or elements

  1. With both, it is possible to set a distance above and below.
    Klein = small (distance)
    Mittel = middle distance
    Gross = Large distance
    Sehr gross = very large distance
  2. Container (We recomend the Zentriert mit fixer Breite (container)): In addition, it is possible to define for the entire column whether the image or text should have a fixed width (container) or whether it should use the entire width of the respective screen (Container-fluid)


4.4 More Settings

  1. Furthermore, an entire column or a single element can be deleted by clicking on the recycle bin at the top right.
  2. A final useful function is the "Reorder" function, which can be helpful for moving the columns or elements. With a click on "Reorder" the whole view compresses and the individual columns and elements can be moved very easily. To restore the normal view and be able to edit the elements again, select "I am done reordering".


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