
Manage community settings and authorizations

In this guide, we will show you how to manage the settings and authorizations of communities.


Manage community settings and authorizations


1. Open Category "Accounts"

Click on the arrow to the right of iTalent and open the category "Accounts"


2. Chose the Community

Click on your desired Community



3. Change from Account to Community





4. Go to "Settings and Authorizatoins"

  1. You can give the administrator of the community the option to search and invite people, which can be useful so that the community can invite new members

  2. It is possible to turn on instant notification for comments, whereby the host will always receive a notification when someone has commented under a post.
  3. You can set whether or not an application is required to join your community. This allows you to restrict entry into this community if you wish.

  4. Another function is to set the automatic release of events


5. Change general details

In addition to these settings, you as the administrator of the community can change the details, the background and community picture as well as the description etc. both via the CRM and via the frontend.

If you want to change general details of an Account (Community or Company Account) click here.

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