
Linked records of a company

In this instruction we explain how you can view the linked records of a company.


Linked records of a company

Linked records include all data associated with a specific company, e.g. an event that it has held in the past or is yet to hold in the future


1. Open Category "Accounts"

Click on the arrow to the right of iTalent and open the category "Accounts"


2. Chose the account



3 Display linked records

To view the linked records, select the arrow next to the company name. A wide variety of records are now displayed.



4. Linked records

This function is good for getting an uncomplicated overview of the information and actions or interactions with a company.

  1. For example, under Monitoring History, the changed details can be tracked at the company
  2. Or under "E-mails" the e-mails sent to this company can be viewed and so on


The most important and most frequently used records are "Jobs", "Events", "Invoices" and " Balance(All fields marked in purple).

With a click on these data records you get an overview of the past or active job advertisements, events etc. of a specific company. In addition, the linked records can also be accessed by other entities, such as contacts, events, job advertisements, etc. The selection of linked records varies for each entity.




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