
Definition of a dashboard

The purpose of a dashboard is to present a large and complex amount of information in a clear and compact way. This is done with the help of diagrams and filtered views. There are already a number of standardised dashboards, which you can view under "iTalent" and then the option "Dashboard".



Standardised dashboards - functions of the different dashboards

Now we show you, what functions the different dashboards have


1. The dashboard is also the homepage

The drop-down menu allows you to view and select the different standardised dashboards.


2. Overview of the dashboard "TalentWerk - Admin Jobs & Events"

In this instruction, we will show you the dashboard "TalentWerk - Admin Jobs & Events", which is structured similarly to the other dashboards.

The dashboard area is divided into two parts, the jobs part at the top and the events part below.

2.1 We start with the section jobs:

  1. On the left-hand side, a graph is displayed showing the number of online/offline jobs and job advertisements to be checked.
  2. You can also enlarge the diagram by clicking the enlarge button
  3. To the right, the job advertisements to be checked are listed in a table format, which you can select and check directly.
  4. You can also display other job states via the drop-down field.
  5. Below you will find a list of the latest invoices
  6. As well as newly registered companies, which they can accept or reject



2.2 Event section

  1. Here you will first find an overview of the events to be checked.
  2. You can display other event states in the dropdown field.
  3. Here you will find the invoices that were triggered by the booking of an event.
  4. Here, too, you can change the view via the dropdown field
  5. In addition, you can delete records directly from each listing by clicking on the recycle bin
  6. by clicking on the "+" you can searching for a record to add.



3. List icon

You can display all views in a separate window by clicking on the list icon


4. Download Excel format

You can display all views in a separate window by clicking on the list icon. Here you can download the files.



New Dashboards

Additional and personalised dashboards can be created for you as required, which you can then also find in the drop-down menu under "My dashboards". Contact the TalentWerk team to create customised dashboards.

Contact the Talentwerk Team

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