
Definition and Assignment of App Roles

App roles make it possible to define which areas of the career platform a contact has access to and which areas of the website remain inaccessible. We take care of the configuration of the app roles. You have to take care of the assignment of the app roles.


1. Definition and Assignment of App Roles (via the record in the contact)

Here we show you how to assignemnt a Appe Role over the record of a contact


1. Open Contacts

Click on the arrow to the right of iTalent and open the category "Contacts"


2. Open desired record

  1. Search for the desired contact via the dropdown list
  2. Or enter the name in the search field
  3. Open the record with a double click on the left mouse button


3. App role

  1. In the record, scroll down until you reach the "App Roles" section.
  2. Click on the "+" sign to open the "new app roles" window.
  3. Fill in all mandatory fields. These are marked with "*".
  4. Save the info in the window and now the new role is defined



2. Definition and Assignment of App Roles (via the App Role)

Here we explain the function of App Roles and show you how to assign one to a contact.


1. Open App role

Click on the arrow to the right of iTalent and open the category "App Roles"


2. New app role

Klick on the Button "+new"


3. Create App role

  1. Search for the contact to whom you want to assign a role.
  2. Select the role you want to assign to the contact.



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