
Assigning a contact to a company

Here we show you how to assign a contact to a company.


Assigning a contact to a company


1. Open Contacts

Click on the arrow to the right of iTalent and open the category "Contacts"


2. Open desired record

  1. Search for the desired contact via the dropdown list
  2. Or enter the name in the search field
  3. Open the record with a double click on the left mouse button





4.1 Assign company

  1. In the record, scroll down until you reach the "Business Address and Business Information" section.
  2. There you can search for your desired company in the field "Company/Name (linked)" and add them. If you do not know the full name of the company, you can put a part of the company name in "*" and thus find them.
  3. If the contact is assigned to a company as with the procedure just described, the rest of the company address must be inserted manually in the contact profile.
  4. You can save yourself this extra effort by using an alternative variant. To access the alternative variant, click here.





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