
Create a Community

Here we show you how to create a Community


Create a Community


1. Open Category "Accounts"

Click on the arrow to the right of iTalent and open the category "Accounts"


2. Click on the button "+New"

Clicking on "+New" opens a window



3 Mandatory fields

  1. Chose the correct Configuration
  2. Enter the Community name




4. Different fields

  1. If this community belongs to a superordinate group, you can assign this as such
  2. Adjust the role Community
  3. Choose a Gruppe (Group)
  4. For the Community to appear on the platform, you have to change it to "online"
  5. It is also advisable to fill in other fields such as the address or to store a primary contact person. You can see how to do this on another page, click here.
  6. Now you can save the new account.



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