Here you will find all information about the

Update Januar 2024

We are pleased to present the new features and improvements to our platforms. This update includes the new scholarship module, improvements to the course, news and banner module and optimisations to the e-mail service and career advice services

1. Improvements / Features

1. Improvements / Features



Improvements / Features

1.1 Scholarship module

Overview of scholarships and detailed view

Application form with several steps in which, for example, further elements can be added directly to the training programme. The application is saved temporarily and can be completed and finalised at any time.

Management of scholarship applications and notification of status changes



Improvements / Features

1.2 Course module

Log out, waiting list and minor optimisations

Additional options are now available in course management. It is now possible to deregister from a course or put yourself on a waiting list if a course is already fully booked. In addition, messages can now be sent to the organiser.



Improvements / Features

1.3 Banner

Banner on every page

As an extension to banner management, it is now possible to publish different types of banners that are displayed on all pages.



Improvements / Features

1.4 Career counselling

Additional e-mails

There is now the option of sending an advisory reminder (must be activated individually if desired)



Improvements / Features

1.5 Message module improvements

Personalisations & view mailing list details

Aliases for salutation added to message module / Optimised view for received and sent emails



Improvements / Features

1.6 Optimisation of e-mail service

Emails with status "being sent"

With this change, emails that get stuck in the "being sent" folder will be sent again



Improvements / Features

1.7 TW-Wiki

All articles from the previous support page are available in the new TW Wiki, with the addition of new options such as a search function for terms.




Improvements / Features

1.8 Backup-service

Enhanced backup service

An extended backup of data in the sense of modern business continuity management is an optimal way of equipping the organisation against threats or disruptions, such as employees accidentally or deliberately deleting old data in the CRM, etc.




Improvements / Features


Minor improvements / bug fixes (not exhaustive)

  • News module: Timing of the publication of news in the future, image section for teaser image can be selected
  • Community administration: Alphabetical sorting of communities in the administration
  • AAI / eduID registration form: additional fields can be added: Language skills, professional experience, interested industries and functional areas
  • Events: The map is hidden for online events or events without a location
  • Minor bugs Mentoring module fixed
  • Fixed navigation background for mobile navigation (white on white)
  • UX: Various loading bars added so that the user knows that something is happening