
Adding administrators and members via the CRM

In this guide we will show you how to add and manage administrators and members in the CRM.


Adding administrators and members via the CRM

This method is especially useful for adding administrators, as members can usually join or apply themselves in the frontend


1. Open Category "Contacts"

Click on the arrow to the right of iTalent and open the category "Contacts"


2. Chose the Community

Click on your desired Community



3. Change from Account to Community



4. Go to "Member & Membership

  1. Now scroll down in this record to the "Members and Membership" section and click on the "List icon" there.




5. The "Connections" window pops up

In the new window, you can connect a Contact by clicking on the Button "CONNECT" (a new Window opens).


6. The "New Connection" window pops up

  1. Now search for the desired contact in the "Name" field. You can click on the List icon or just write the name down.

  2. In the field "As this role", select the position that the member should have. You must decide between the following two functions:
    Admistrator: The administrator can edit the content of the community, enter new events and manage the members in the frontend.
    Mitglied (Member): A member can only view the content or write comments

  3. Fill in the desired start date

  4. For the connection status, enter the status active if the contact is to be directly "Aktive" (active) and otherwise one of the other options

  5. Select the usual configuration before saving the changes made



7. Final settings

  1. To give the administrator access to the community, you must also assign the app role "Community Admin" to the administrator by clicking directy on the contact and adding this app role in the "App Roles" area. A simple member can have any app role. The contact is now able to perform the described actions on the career platform. How to give a contact an new app role. You will find out here.

  2. You can change the Role of a contact in the community. 

  3. You can change the status of members by clicking on the record

  4. Or remove it again by clicking on the recycle bin


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